Our New Book is Here!
Our “Retaining Women in Tech” book is now available! Order now
Our “Retaining Women in Tech” book is now available! Order now
Join Karen for her most recent presentation on how to do remote contextual design, with some additional “ask me anything” questions!
Design critiques are central to maker professions. However, 80% of women lose self esteem when criticized. Learn what our research shows about how to do team design critiques while also including everyone and making them feel valued in the process.
Women often state, and our research confirms, that women don’t feel valued or heard. They say that men, managers, or teammates are “bro’s” or “jerks”. But what does this mean?
Team Onboarding: The first step in helping women thrive is making sure they are set up for success starting on day one. The Team Onboarding Checklist has been tried by managers across multiple companies. We will roll it out along with services in April 2020.
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Join our mailing list to stay up to date, and download the high resolution, full set of our Valuing and Jerk Posters!
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