Best Practices for Managing Remote Teams

Best Practices for Managing Remote Teams

What are best practices for managing our remote teams? How do issues of diversity play out when we are all on video? What happens to productivity?  We’ll reveal what the current literature and our research shows.

Retaining Women in Tech

Retaining Women in Tech

Career Power: The Board Game

Career Power: The Board Game

Discuss real work challenges with colleagues and friends while having fun. Try it for on-boarding. Order Now

The Team Onboarding Checklist

This Team Onboarding Checklist is based that research with managers and new hires working in a wide variety of companies. Armed with what works and doesn’t for new hires, we created the Team Onboarding Checklist to help managers plan for new hire success.

Live Presentation 10/15 12:30p on the The Valuing & Jerk Project

In this talk Karen shares the research and some of the interventions to identify the explicit behaviors which create or undermine the experience of connection and value in the workplace. Field research identified 15 key valuing and 15 key “jerk” behaviors.

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